
Aug 06, 2024 Grateful to recieve the Purdue OUR Scholars and DUIRI Scholarships. Excited to be starting as a research assistant in the NSF-funded IGUIDE team.
Apr 30, 2024 Our team’s report, “A Partial Replication of MaskFormer in TensorFlow on TPUs for the TensorFlow Model Garden,” is now available on arXiv! Find the code here, and report here.
Apr 23, 2024 Received the Outstanding Sophomore in VIP award for the work I did at the CVES group. Read about it here.
Mar 05, 2024 Results for GrammarFlow updated to reflect high guarantee in LLM parsing. Tested with Llama, Mistral and Dolphin families. Read about it here.
Feb 05, 2024 First iteration of our multi-tool autonomous agent hosted here.
Feb 05, 2024 [Ongoing] Source Code and Dataset for RAIS is being written here.